Sunday, November 1, 2009

WEEK 33: Halloween


So it's Halloween. SAY WHAT. My band Trouble's Afoot does a song called "Halloween."

I think you see where this is going.

Our version of that song is over at my website, but for your enjoyment I am going to post the embarrassing and crappy demo I made for the song many, many years ago. Another pre-tonsillectomy vocal performance where I sound all stuffed up.

Here are the lyrics:
Halloween's my favorite holiday
Everyone listens to what I have to say

Everything seems to go my way

On Halloween

When I see a Halloween cupcake

I get a jack-o-lantern smile across my face
Even though I don't like the taste

The very idea is just so great.

I can't recognize my best friend
I don't know what room he's in
He's not acting like he usually is

He's smiling under his skin

Halloween feelings may not last long
Before Thanksgiving they're already gone.

Download the demo here!

Or preview it:


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